Had a great sleep for the first night in a while, not to cold, pretty far from the highway and not a train whistle to be heard. Woke up feeling refreshed and ready to ride. Just a short day ahead of us and the last one for a while since we have a week break in Regina.
No wind and a sunny day was a nice change, the km just seemed to fly by! We stopped a few times to pick up recyclables along the way. Malkolm found a bag of cans and bottles in a blue recycling bag on the side of the highway. It must have fallen out of a vehicle because why would you bother separating and bagging them correctly only to thr
We stopped for lunch on the side of the road in sight of Regina. Apparently picnicking in a ditch draws attention as we were honked at more then ever before. We fertilized a nearby wheat field before hopping back on the bikes for the last 14km into town. We were in Regina at Nikita's aunts place by 1:30pm. Now were on a "rest week" until we head out for Winnipeg on the 8th. Stayed tuned for hopefully more exciting blogs about Showdown in Regina - New Energy vs. The Tar Sands!
Hahaha, "fertilized a nearby wheatfield".