Friday, August 14, 2009

Days 29-31 It's raining Bacon!

Reston -> Brandon 115km

Woken by the roar of a motorcycle (our campground neighbour) a little earlier then we would have liked, we made eggs for the first time that morning (a little burnt but not too bad). Stopped in the town of Souris for lunch as recommended to us from our friend Jon of Kipling. Jon was right Souris is a good town with good people! We continued on secondary highways all the way to Brandon. There, we experienced couch surfing for the first time and I know I speak for all of us when I say it definitely left a good impression. The sprawling old Victorian style house welcomed us in and there we found organic loving cyclers - people right up our alley! Barbequed loads of veggies for dinner and finished the night off right with old fashioned dipped cones at the local Velvet Dip.

Brandon -> MacGregor 100km
Sunshine and smoothies were a good start to the day. We headed out with Kayleigh (our host) to her work and the family's cafe/pub/gift shop, Lady of the Lake. Malkolm had his second breakfast there while Nod got her bike fixed at the bike shop next door. We set off around 11 taking the longer but more pleasant secondary highways. Stopped in Carberry for lunch end enjoyed seeing many other people out on their bikes! Riding along after lunch listening to a little more HP I smelled a familiar smell, something reminiscent of home and the west coast to be exact and as I became more aware of my surroundings I realized I was surrounded by fields of pot or what I thought at first. It must have been hemp, the female less potent relation but I definitley got off my bike to check it out hiding between the bushes pretending I was Leo Decaprio in The Beach. That was pretty funny but the highlight of the day was the veggie stand we discovered just outside of MacGregor. A small family farm produced new potatoes, beets, carrot and kolrabi, all of which were on the menu that night. A steal of a deal all for $5. Big thanks to the generosity of the farmers who kept pressing us with more as we were leaving.
MacGregor -> Winnipeg 122km

The thunder and lightening storm was so close we could feel the ground vibrating with each clap! Sleep was illusive that night as we opened our tent as much as we dared to watch the storm. The alarms sounded particularly loud and angry that morning as much of the night had not been devoted to sleep. At least once we got going we were pleasantly surprised to find the road's shoulders had been recently paved - despite what we had been told! Another surprise was in store that afternoon as we discovered that thunder and lightening weren't all that had come from the sky that night, we were passing strip after strip of bacon all over the road - cooked at that! It reminded me of a book we read as kids "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" I will forever remember Winnipeg as the city that rains bacon!

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